Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

20th Anniversary Linate disaster

Dearest friends,


We have reached our 20th Anniversary.

Although it seems as if it just happened yesterday, 20 years have already passed. Yet within our hearts, time has stood still.



This year, Holy Mass will still be celebrated outdoors since the state of emergency has been extended until December 31. That way, everyone can participate without the limitations of social distancing for indoor venues.



Holy Mass will be celebrated outdoors in our Bosco dei Faggi.

Last year was a success and everyone loved this moment of recollection with the rustling of leaves that accompanied the music, memory, and prayers.

We truly hope that again this year the weather will be on our side to make the day memorable.




Here is the program


  • 10.30 a.m. Holy Mass at Bosco dei Faggi.

           Celebrated by His Excellency Monsignor Mario Delpini, Archbishop of the Diocese of Milan.

           Musical accompaniments will be performed by the Verdi Youth Choir


(The banners of the Municipalities and Associations that wish to attend Holy Mass will be positioned at 10:25 a.m. All banners must be on site by 10:10 a.m.)


In the event of bad weather, the City of Milan should provide tensile structures and walkways to create the least possible inconvenience for attendees.


Those who want transportation from downtown Milan to Bosco dei Faggi and back must be at the Pagano car park by 8:45 a.m. where there will be a bus for us. For anyone arriving by car, the usual parking spots will be available, like every year.



To organize arrangements for the bus, which must have a smaller number of passengers due to Covid restrictions, we need your confirmation by September 24.

Thank you.



At Bosco dei Faggi, on the other hand, there will be more parking spaces organized by the municipal police, who will be present.



After Mass, free time will be available for a moment of recollection, like every year.


Afterward, there will be a special postage stamp cancellation ceremony for the 20th anniversary. You can buy the postcards designed for the occasion by Serena Pruno, Mauro Baudinelli, and Gabriele Pardi and have them stamped.

This cancellation will remain available for 2 months at the Milan Post Office, via Cordusio 4, philatelic office.



  • Early in the morning,  at 8:10 a.m. there will be a moment o recollection with SEA managers and me at the memorial stele commemorating the victims inside the airport, like every year.


This year, if anyone wants to participate in this ceremony, they must ABSOLUTELY confirm their participation to Giovanna by September 24 for organizational reasons and must be at Bosco dei Faggi, at 7:45 a.m. where a shuttle bus will leave to take us to the airport.


After the brief ceremony, the shuttle bus will always bring the family back to Bosco dei Faggi, where Holy Mass will take place at 10:30 a.m.







  • On Saturday evening, Oct. 9, at 6:00 p.m. a beautiful concerti will be held at Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi,

    at via Conservatorio 12, in Milan. Admission will be free, as always.

The program includes:


Richard Wagner


Siegfried Idyll WWV103


Franz Schubert


Sinfonia n. 5 in si bemolle maggiore D485



We warmly thank Mayor Giuseppe Sala, the entire Milan City Council, and the Conservatory management for offering us this great opportunity.

In regards to this concert, there are changes like last year.

Unfortunately, we must limit the number of spectators in the concert hall.


Due to COVID restrictions, only 500 seats can be filled.

We have calculated that for each family it will not be possible to assign more than 8 to 10 seats.

In order to organize seat assignment, please let us know exactly how many seats you need by and no later than Friday, September 24. Due to the reduced seating availability, we do not know how many more seats we will be able to guarantee. We will do everything possible to satisfy everyone.


Please remember that to enter the Conservatory, you must have a Green Pass and mask, possibly the FFP2 type, which must be worn on the face for the duration of the concert.


Seat assignment will be made based on the booking date. You can pick up your tickets on the evening of the concert at the Conservatory Hall. Giovanna and other volunteers will be present starting at 5:00 p.m. to deliver the tickets.



A few days before -  on Friday, September 24 at 5:00 p.m.-  an important event will take place in the Council Chamber of Palazzo Marino (City Hall):  the presentation of the book on Linate that our Francesca La Mantia wrote, published by Gribaudo / Feltrinelli


We hope that many of you will be able to attend. If you plan to be there, due to Covid restrictions please contact Giovanna for confirmation by Monday, September 20.

Obviously, also for this event, a green pass and mask are mandatory.



We await your confirmation of participation in these ceremonies. For confirmation, please call the following numbers by Friday, September 24:  02/88456685 (Headquarters) or 339/3082849 (Giovanna).



Affectionately yours


