Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

  • The supporters


    Ordinary Members

    Are the ones linked to the victims by a very close relative relationship (sons, parents, wives, grandparents, …) and moreover they support and agree association thoughts.

    Supporter Members

    Are the ones linked to the victims by a very close relative relationship (sons, parents, wives, grandparents, …) and moreover they support and agree association thoughts.

  • A special thanks to


  • Dott. Matteo Marzotto
    Dott. Santo Versace
    Fondazione Centro Congressi Cariplo

    Città di Selvazzano Dentro (PD)
    Comune di Arluno (MI)
    Comune di Brembate di Sopra (BG)
    Comune di Carate Brianza (MI)
    Comune di Gessate (MI)
    Comune di Gorgonzola (MI)
    Comune di Orzinuovi (BS)
    Comune di Rosignano Monferrato (AL)
    Comune di Segrate (MI)
    Comune di Turbigo (MI)

    Regione Emilia Romagna

    Baldini & Castoldi
    Click Us Srl
    Egidio Logistica Srl

    We were supported with publication of deliberations by:
    Comune di Lovere (BG)
    (Deliberation n.23 del 3/5/2002) Provincia di Reggio Emilia

    (Deliberation of 27/7/2002 ODG of 18/7/2002 regarding to sensitivity of competent organisms in order that transportation safety is guaranteed and accident victims' families' request is faced).