Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

  • Statute

  • The purpose of the Foundation is to undertake any initiative designed to promote all valid and concrete actions regarding the safety of the air transport and the improvement of  flight safety.

    Our main activities:

    • Organizing conferences concerning the safety of the air transport, with the aim of both fostering the communication between air traffic management entities and promoting the obligation to insure the users in a proper way and with certain and immediate supply times;
    • Promoting forums with aviation industry experts and instituting scholarships in order to ensure a greater moral and professional ethical standard for those involved in the safety of the air transport;
    • Collecting hazard reports from the authorities in charge and creating case studies;
    • Proposing, as the result of special conferences or forums, the implementation of appropriate and necessary safety measures according to the situation, researching, analyzing and promoting the adoption of best available technologies at stake;
    • Promoting studies on situations/risk factors;
    • Financing research programs and initiatives evaluated by a special commission in the field of transport safety;
    • Carrying out studies and analysis of the current regulations and their applications;
    • Carrying out studies and analysis of foreign regulations;
    • Promoting and disseminating publications and studies regarding the air transport safety;
    • Collaborating with other entities/bodies working in the sector of air transport safety.

    Download pdf  Statute Fondazione8ottobre2001