Our 21st anniversary

This year marks our 21st anniversary.
This 8 October will be the first official anniversary of the National Day "Not to forget", in memory of the victims of the Linate accident of 8 October 2001 and as an opportunity to promote safety, established by Parliament and much desired by us. For this we must thank the President of Enac Avv. Pierluigi Di Palma and the Honorable Raffaella Paita and Alessia Rotta who fought so hard for this proposal.
The commemoration ceremonies will also take place this year at the Bosco dei Faggi and will start at 10.00.
More time will be given to the institutional moment that will formalize this special day for us with the intervention of various authorities.
Obviously there will be the Holy Mass which will be officiated by Mons. Fabio Dal Cin. Archbishop Prelate of Loreto, where the Basilica of the Madonna di Loreto is located, patroness of the Air Force and of all aviators.
The musical accompaniments will be performed by the I Giovani Chorus of Milan.
At the Bosco the space for cars will be enhanced, which will park according to the provisions of the brigade present.
After Mass, free time is available for a moment of recollection, like every year.
In the evening at 7.00 pm, as has become tradition, we will have the Concert at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory, in via Conservatorio 12, in Milan, with admission, as always, free.
The concert will be performed by Chamber Groups of the Symphony Orchestra of the Milan Conservatory.
We warmly thank the Mayor Dr. Giuseppe Sala all the City Council of Milan and the Management of the Conservatory who offer us this great opportunity.
In order to be able to organize the assignment, please let us know exactly how many you need by and no later than Tuesday 27 September.
This year we will be able to satisfy all your requests, even if you will need more than the 15 seats that were usually reserved for each family. In fact, all the restrictions for COVID have been lifted.
The assignment will be made on the basis of the booking date. You can collect your tickets on the evening of the concert at the Conservatory hall. Giovanna and other volunteers will be present from 6.00 pm for the delivery of the same.
We await your confirmation of participation in the ceremonies by Tuesday 27 September p.v. by calling 339/3082849 380/1381577 (Giovanna).