Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Certificate of merit to the 8th October Committee

As every year, Milan is preparing to recognize the civic commitment and spirit of service of individual citizens and associations, which during the year have distinguished themselves for particular merits. This year among the certificates of merit there is also our Committee "which keeps alive the memory of the Linate massacre".


The 15 medals

  • Piergaetano Marchetti
  • Enrico Pazzali
  • Tommaso Claudi
  • Aldo Cazzullo
  • Maria Candida Morosini
  • Giuseppe Castagna
  • Filippo La Mantia
  • Ermanno Leo
  • Valentina Massa
  • Gianni Cervetti
  • Franco Baresi
  • Daniela Mainini
  • Arjola Trimi
  • Alessandra Simone
  • Cristina Cattaneo

and the 20 certificates

  • Comitato 8 ottobre 2001
  • Fondazione Memoriale della Shoah
  • PizzAut
  • Scuola civica di cinema
  • Auser Milano
  • In Corso d'Opera
  • Francesca Cortellaro - Osp. San Paolo
  • Inter Campus
  • Associazione Uniic
  • Pro Tetto onlus
  • Angsa
  • Banco Farmaceutico
  • Bocciofila Martesana
  • Simone Lunghi - l'Angelo dei Navigli
  • Bauli in Piazza onlus
  • Bici Rossignoli
  • Il Mondo creativo
  • Ordine di Malta
  • Pietro Farneti - Fondazione Eris
  • Progetto Islander

will be delivered on 7 December at the Teatro dal Verme.



We are particularly satisfied and proud of our work.


See you on 7th. We will keep you updated.


