Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Goodbye to a Dear Friend, Roberto Maiorana

Yesterday afternoon, a representative of the October 8th Committee, went to the headquarters office of SAS in Milan to bring our well wishes directly to Mr. Roberto Maiorana, who departs Milan to return to the home office of SAS in Stockholm, where he will be developing important initiatives for SAS.

We gave Mr. Maiorana a silver photo frame with the photograph in which he appears in a moment of concentration with the SAS Vice President and the SAS executive responsible for External Relations during their visit to Forlanini Park (Forest of the Beech Trees) in Milan this past October 8th.

The entire committee, from the bottom of our hearts, would like to thank a great friend whom we met in a tragic moment of our lives and helped us to alleviate our pain.

Goodbye to a Dear Friend, Roberto Maiorana

    Milano - 28/10/2004