Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Yesterday, in the Committee Office, there was a press conference for the presentation of the book, "The Circle of Time - Life at the Bosco dei Faggi". The presentation was conducted by the President of SEA, Giorgio Fossa, the Deputy Mayor of Milan, Senator De Corato, and our President, Paolo Pettinaroli.It was a great success, and the press has given much attention to this initiative

. The book is a work of art with 35 beautiful photographs in black and white that represent the life that happens on a daily basis in "our" Bosco dei Faggi. Inserted were numerous written dedications from us to the victms. Again a warm thanks to SEA and President Fossa for have wanted to show in a special way the solidarity and closeness to our families.

    Milano - 28/09/2002