Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

First Condemnation

Friday, February 24, 2006 - The Court of Milan accepted the request of "bargaining agreement in appeal" of three defendants of the abbreivated trial.

The court confirmed three years of imprisonment for Nazareno Patrizi and Raffaele Perrone and two years and eight months for Santino Ciarniello, all managers from ENAV.

Thanks to this " agreement ", the defendants obtained reduction in confinement, which allowed them to reduced their sentences, and avoiding prison by performing social services.

These conviction confirm that at least these defendants recognized their guilt.

The trial will take place again April 7 (the umpteenth delay due to the request of the defense lawyers to consult the translation of the transcription of the control tower).

The last two audiences were set for April 11 and 26, and, the judge declared that they will “go through the night, until it is closed”.

    Milano - 27/02/2006