Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


The “October 8th Committee To Never Forget”, could not remain insensitive to the attractive initiative of our friend Vittorio Polastri.
With great generosity, Vittorio wanted to return what he earned in the occasion of his exhibition of his last painting in November 2004 to the Institute for Cooperation and International Development, Africa Mission.
Thanks to this gesture of great solidarity, three wells for drinking water were able to be dug in Uganda, giving life to a community of about 11,000 people and 3,000 head of cattle.

A well (in Kamara Village), was dedicated to the “October 8th Committee” and the plaque carries the following dedication:

“Water is life, life is love, love is the memory of 118 lives”

The Committee is happy and moved to have been able to, even if in a small way, participate to alleviate some pain and difficulty for people already hit hard and a true thanks to our friend Vittorio for the opportunity that he gave us.

    Milano - 28/02/2006