Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


It is with deep regret that I must inform you that our dear friend Evi Volpato has retired from SAS.
When we met Evi nearly five years ago, in the most tragic moment of our lives, we immediately found a true friend who was totally dedicated not only as an executive of her company, but especially as a human being who created an authentic and sincere relationship with the families of the victims.
Evi often said, “I truly believe I gave my very best. There is also no doubt in my mind that the October 8th accident at Linate has deeply affected me on both a professional and private level, but it was an invaluable lesson in life.”
Evi helped us enormously. She was there to provide moral support and always had time for us. And she did everything with utmost kindness.
I dare not say more, since we have gotten used to keeping our feelings to ourselves.
Even so, we all want to tell Evi “THANK YOU FOR CARING”, and send her a huge hug formed by 236 arms.
You will always be in our hearts!
    MILANO - 21/06/2006