Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Saturday, October 7th

Also this year the City of Milan has made available the Scala Theater to commemorate the 5th anniversary with a unique and great concert.

The Philarmonic choir of la Scala will perform “La petite messe Solennelle" by Gioacchino Rossini per soli Coro, two pianos and armonium.
The concert will begin at 9 PM.

We are deepy grateful to Mayor Moratti, to the Milan City Hall and to the management of La Scala for the great opportunity they offered to us.

Sunday, October 8th
9:30 AM Holy Mass inside the Duomo of Milan.
Participating will be Mons. Luigi Manganini (Arciprete of the Duomo)
Omelia di Sua Eminenza Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
Choir: San Carlo School - Soprano: Enrica Fassio

11:15 Am – Visit to the Park of Beech Trees (Bosco dei Faggi). Laying of flowers and lighting the candle.

    Milano 20 Settemnbre 2006 - 19/09/2006