Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare



At 10:30 a.m., His Excellency Monsignor Franco Giulio Brambilla – Auxiliary Bishop of Milan and the bishopric vicar of culture -- celebrated Holy Mass at the Saint Ambrose Basilica that was followed with devotion and silence by the public that filled every available seat in the church.
Once again, the San Carlo College choir of Milan and Soprano Enrica Fassio, who sang the beautiful Ave Verum and Quondam tu solus by Mozart, added a special touch to the ceremony.

Milan Mayor Letizia Moratti, Town Council President Manfredi Palmeri, many members of the town council, and military officers attended. Also present were Province Vice President Alberto Mattioli, Regional Councilor Antonella Maiolo, the representatives of many townships, SEA President Giuseppe Bonomi, and officials from the consulates of Finland, France, Denmark, Island, Australia, Sweden and Norway, who all came to the pulpit to read from the roll call listing the names of the victims.
During the Homily, after Monsignor Brambilla conveyed the uplifting, heartfelt messages of Cardinals Carlo Maria Martini and Dionigi Tettamanzi, he praised the work accomplished by our committee and reminded everyone of the value of remembrance that, in his opinion, “is also a way to change our lives. It reminds us that things must change.”
After the roll call listing the names of the victims, which were also read this year by the Scandinavian consuls, Paolo Pettinaroli, the President of the October 8 Foundation and Committee spoke to the congregation and mentioned the presence of Gennaro Brigliadoro of the Finance Police. Seven years ago, when all hell broke loose at Linate, Gennaro had the presence of mind and heart to save Pasquale Padovano from certain death.
Fortunately, time heals all wounds. Pettinaroli, visibly moved, proudly mentioned the results obtained by the association in promoting air safety. He spoke of the new rules, infrastructures, and procedures launched in Italy after the disaster. "This is our mission and destiny. “We will not stop,” he said from the altar, “not even when we are faced with obstacles set upon our path by people who sometimes try to stand in our way. Our battle for air safety, of which education and information is an important aspect, is fundamental and must be continued so that our loved ones will not have died in vain.” He added, “Time fortunately heals all wounds, and the tears we still shed express the composed pride we feel when we remember our loved ones.”

At the end of the Mass, two SAS flight attendants collected the 118 white roses at the foot of the altar that were later taken to the Bosco dei Faggi and were followed by 40 banners representing the cities of the victims, region, province, and city of Milan. Afterwards, at the Bosco dei Faggi, the flowers were placed on the memorial markers and a candle, carried this year by SAS General Manager Krister Greften, was lit.

At 9:00 p.m. the traditional memorial concert was held at the La Scala Opera House in Milan. Maestro Bruno Casoni and the Scala Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus performed:

- Magnificat by Carlo Pedini, for chorus, bells, clarinet, and string quartet.

- Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein, for chorus, voice, organ, harp, and percussion.
Maestro Casoni concluded the memorial evening with a splendid rendition of Mozart’s Ave Verum

This year, as usual, the theater was full. Family members and friends, political, religious and military authorities, and everyone who supports and shares the objectives of the October 8 Foundation attended the event.

Manfredi Palmeri, who spoke before the concert along with Paolo Pettinaroli, said, “Every day is October 8 for Milan. Even in other moments of the year, we feel the responsibility of preserving the memory of Linate and working for airport safety, which benefits not just our city, but everyone.” President Palmeri also announced, “The town council and the October 8 Committee will present “Linate. October 8, 2001. The Disaster”, an artistic reenactment of the tragedy, again this month. After the premiere performance last June 10 at the Alessi Auditorium in Palazzo Marino, we will present new performances at the new Ciak Theater on Via Proacaccini, open to the public, in continuation of this memorial day.”



I would like to thank His Excellency Monsignor Brambilla for kindly accepting to celebrate Holy Mass today, Monsignor De Scalzi for welcoming us again in this splendid basilica, and Archbishop Cardinal Tettamanzi and His Eminence Cardinal Martini for their much appreciated, heartfelt messages.
We also thank the San Carlo choir, whose participation has become a tradition accompanying the October 8 commemoration, andsoprano Enrica Fassio for her splendid contribution. We salute the many authorities and mayors present today.Also with us today is Lance-Corporal Gennaro Brigliadoro of theFinance Police. While airport personnel and air traffic controllers suddenly found themselves in the midst of terrifying sounds and images, Gennaro had the presence of mind and heart to save dear Pasquale Padovano from certain death. No words of thanks can fully repay such a great and generous deed.
This is the seventh time that we have gathered to commemorate our 118 loved ones who lost their lives on the Linate Airport runway on October 8, 2001.
It is still very difficult and painful to think of the many families who were suddenly struck by such grief and sorrow: the lives of so many people were shattered in an instant!
Fortunately, time heals all wounds, and the tears we still shed also express the quiet pride that we feel as we remember our loved ones.
Air safety is our goal and our destiny.
Comitato 8 Ottobre will not stop, not even when we are faced with obstacles set upon our path by people who frequently attempt to stand in our way.
We ask God to give us the determination and strength so that our activities can help prevent such terrible and absurd tragedies.
Now we shall go to our Bosco dei Faggi memorial, where each of us will be with our loved ones during our moment of silence and prayer.
I sincerely thank you for your comforting presence.


This evening we stir up memories of wound that remains unhealed, one which has left its indelible mark not only on the history of Milan, but also on our conscience and our hearts: 118 people lost their lives in Linate, in the worst air disaster in Italian history.
On October 8th 2001, just a few hours after the accident, and with harrowing images still fresh in our minds, we gathered together in Palazzo Marino to bear witness, with a solemn moment of silence and reflection which we have repeated every year since, to the deep pain of the people of Milan.
Today, just as seven years ago, in this place which fills the world with art and one of the strongest symbols of Milanese cultural identity, our city with its mayor Letizia Moratti and city council, is back to embrace those 118 lost faces, alongside two friends with whom we have shared the long years of suffering: Paolo Pettinaroli, President of the October 8th Committee, who with exceptional courage and ongoing generosity has dedicated himself to a cause not just for relatives but which has become a value for the community as a whole, and Pasquale Padovano, the sole survivor, who never abandoned hope of regaining the life which he is now living to the full, thanks also to the support of his incredible family.
With them and for the good and love that the Linate victims represent, we will try to "turn pain into hope” even in times remote from this anniversary, knowing that for Milan, every day is October 8th. Every day we feel the responsibility to keep the memory of Linate alive, as our moral duty towards those who lost their lives as well as their families: every day we must continue to highlight the subject of airport safety, where commitment on the part of institutions is crucial, not just for the benefit of Milan but for everyone.
It was with this spirit and this desire that we organised the theatre production “Linate, 8 ottobre 2001: la strage” (not a show but an artistic representation of an actual event) last June 10th in conjunction with the October 8th Committee, in the Sala Alessi of Palazzo Marino, the home of the Milanese people. This first performance is to be repeated for the public in October at the new Ciak theatre on Via Procaccini, as a perfect follow up to this event.
We cannot and do not want to forget. Since it was inevitable, the Linate tragedy to this day does not provide us with any acceptable explanation from a human and civil pint of view, but still has much to teach us on the subject of flights and airports, to improve safety conditions both for passengers as well as workers.
The pain cannot be erased and the enormous suffering can in no way be alleviated, even in light of the recent sentences of the Court of Cassation. But casting light on responsibility was both duty for the institutions as well as a right on the part of the victims, their mothers, fathers and children. By their side and all together, we will continue to keep their memory alive and as well as the search for the truth, and therefore, justice.


Good evening and thank you for coming to our annual meeting to commemorate the Linate airport tragedy of October 8th 2001.
A heartfelt thanks to Letizia Moratti, the Mayor of Milan, whose official commitments prevent her from joining us here today. The generosity she has consistently shown in allowing us to use this stunning theatre and thus carry on the tradition of assistance and collaboration, is greatly appreciated by us all.
Thanks also go to the President of Milan City council Manfredi Palmeri as well as the council itself, to the Scala theatre management, to Maestro Bruno Casoni, not to mention all members of the choir and musicians.
We cannot but extend our deep gratitude to the SEA for its customary and valued support, not to mention the SAS for its constant backing over the years.
I’d also like to highlight the kind, ongoing presence of the civil, military, religious and political authorities.
Welcome to our friends from abroad, having travelled here from various parts of the world, and to the representatives of the associations of the families of Italian airline disaster victims, who have accompanied us throughout this day.
I’ll begin with just a little news: over the past 12 months the October 8th 2001 Foundation has promoted conventions on the improvement of airline security in conjunction with world leading experts. Of particular note was the international meeting in Madrid in partnership with ACI Europe (Airports Council International) which saw over 1,000 participants and 100 speakers, and in Rome in conjunction with the Centro Studi Demetra for an important event entitled “Dossier Malpensa”.
We will be continuing our efforts on October 27th and 28th in Berlin, teaming up again with ACI Europe for a world convention with an expected 2,000 participants.
The theatrical production “LINATE 8 OTTOBRE 2001, LA STRAGE”, written and played by Giulio Cavalli and Fabrizio Tumolillo, continues to enjoy great success all over Italy. Its next performance, to which you are all invited, will be taking place before the end of October at the Ciak Fabbrica del Vapore theatre in Milan.
Also this year new squares and streets have been named after October 8th and more are in the pipeline for the near future.
Unfortunately, air travel is still experiencing troubled times and the number of accidents that has ravaged the past 12 months is sadly high.
We have put 6 long and arduous years of legal proceedings behind us.
Now, it’s all over.
Our story started out as coincidence: just 5 more centimetres and the two aircraft would never have even touched each other, and the shocking, devastating Linate disaster would never have come to be.
But this accident has triggered a chain of events. Our lives have inevitably gone on beyond the terrible shock, to succeed in improving flight safety.
In this sense our path is a rocky one. Sadly, we often come up against selfish people who act solely on the basis of their own benefit and interests; but we persevere.
One final remark.
While it was with great bitterness and deep disappointment that we accepted acquittal for some of the defendants, it is still extremely difficult for us to say that justice has been done with regard to those who never even felt they owed at least an apology to the ones left behind by this appalling tragedy.
The mission of this foundation is an unwavering commitment to push the pertinent authorities to guarantee flight safety through the use of proper, advanced technology and equipment, not to mention personnel of proven professionalism and integrity.
Can anyone really believe, in all honesty, that these calls for safety can continue to fall on deaf ears?
I hope that here I have found at least one firm supporter of our aims.
If so, our efforts are something to be proud of.
Thank you and good evening

    Milano - 09/10/2008