Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

“Family Assistance: Promoting an International Approach for the Transportation Industry.”

This two-day conference brings together family members, transportation accident investigation agencies, transportation industry representatives, government agencies, and the media to share perspectives on best practices and lessons learned in providing family assistance following transportation accidents in an international context.

Coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act and the 10th anniversary of ICAO Circular 285, the conference will be a unique opportunity to learn firsthand from those involved worldwide in family assistance.



Since 1974 when Congress established the NTSB’s as an independent agency it  developed a worldwide reputation of probity and independence in the field of the investigation of Transportation accident – find its probable causes and make recommendation for remedial rules, regulations, procedures to improve and safeguard the public’s safety and security in the field of air and surface as well as maritime transportation, pipeline, environmental and space incidents.

At the initiative of air crash victims and survivors Congress passed the “Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996” – and subsequent legislation – creating the Office of Transportation Disaster Assistance attached to the NTSB. This initiative was carried further worldwide in 1998 when NTSB Chairman Jim Hall, supported by Spain introduced a resolution that developed into the “Guide on Assistance to Aircraft Victims and their Families” at the 190 Member State “International Civil Aviation Organization”.



Family Assistance:
Promoting an International Approach for the Transportation Industry
March 28 and 29, 2011
NTSB Conference Center
March 28, 2011
Family Assistance: Perspectives from Family Members, Industry, Government, and Media
(Note: The program for this day will be webcast)
0900‐0930 Welcome and Introductions/Video
The Honorable Deborah A.P. Hersman, Chairman, NTSB
0930‐1020 Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act

James E. Hall: Former NTSB Chairman

Rodney E. Slater: Former DOT Secretary

Doug Smith: Former President of National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation
1020‐1040 Break
Panel Sessions
1040‐1200 Panel 1: Family Members
Moderator: The Honorable Mark R. Rosekind, Ph.D., Member, NTSB
TDA coordinator: Debi Hall

Hans Ephraimson‐Abt and Kendra St. Charles: Air Crash Victims Families Group

Stephane Gicquel: Fédération Nationale des Victimes d’Accidents Collectifs (French National Federation of the Victims of Catastrophes)

Dr. Elmar Giemulla: Family member, legal advisor, and aviation law consultant

Christophe Haddad and Sandra Assali: Associação Brasileira de Parentes e Amigos das Vítimas de Acidentes Aéreos (Brazilian Association of Relatives and Friends of Aviation Accident Victims)

Paolo Pettinaroli: Comitato e Fondazione 8 Ottobre 2001 (Committee and Foundation 8 October 2001)

Matthew Ziemkiewicz: President, National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation
1200‐1315 Lunch (on your own, maps provided)
1315‐1415 Panel 2: Transportation Industry, Vendors, and Non‐governmental Organizations
Moderator: The Honorable Earl F. Weener, Ph.D., Member, NTSB
TDA coordinator: Erik R. Grosof

James L. Casey: Vice President, Industry Services and Deputy General Counsel, Air Transport Association

Raynel Gonzalez: Manager, CareTeam Services, Carnival Cruise Lines

Robert A. Jensen and Frank A. Ciaccio: Chief Executive Officer and President; Vice President‐Commercial Services, Kenyon International Emergency Services

Ken Jenkins: Director of Emergency Services, BMS Global, LLC

Armond T. Mascelli: Vice President of Disaster Services Operations, American Red Cross
1415‐1430 Break
1430‐1530 Panel 3: Government
Moderator: The Honorable Christopher A. Hart, Vice Chairman, NTSB
TDA coordinator: Elias J. Kontanis

Dr. Harold Demuren: Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority

Nancy Graham: Director, Air Navigation Bureau, International Civil Aviation Organization

Deborah A.P. Hersman: Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board

Wendy A. Tadros: Chair, Transportation Safety Board of Canada

Jean‐Paul Troadec: Director, Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses pour la sécurité de l’aviation civile (France)

William R. Voss: President and CEO, Flight Safety Foundation
1530‐1545 Break
1545‐1645 Panel 4: Media
Moderator: The Honorable Robert L. Sumwalt, Member, NTSB
TDA coordinator: Max Green

Peter Goelz: Former NTSB Managing Director

John Hughes: Reporter, Bloomberg News Service

Alan Levin: Reporter, USA Today

Dennis Powell: Former producer, ABC News

Lisa Stark: Correspondent, ABC News
1645‐1700 Closing Remarks
The Honorable Deborah A.P. Hersman, Chairman, NTSB
March 29, 2011
The NTSB Family Assistance Model: An Introduction
Presentations by staff of the Transportation Disaster Assistance Division
0900 – 0915 Welcome/Housekeeping
0915 – 1045 Introduction to Transportation Family Assistance
Transportation Disaster Family Assistance Legislation in the U.S.
NTSB Investigations and Investigative Products
Discussion/ Q&A
1045 – 1100 Break
1100 – 1200 Family Assistance Process Timeline
1200 – 1300 Lunch (on your own): Maps provided
1300 – 1410 Friends and Relatives Center, Family Assistance Center, and Joint Family Support
Operations Center management
Family Briefings
Site Visits, Memorials and Anniversaries
1410 – 1530 Medicolegal Concerns/Victim Recovery and Identification
Personal Effects Management
Discussion / Q&A
1530 – 1545 Break
1545 – 1645 Family Member Presentation: The Mellett Family, Continental Connection flight 3407
Discussion / Q&A
1645 – 1700 Wrap‐up / Conclusion



    Washington DC (USA) - 22/03/2011