Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Meeting in Rome with Italian government and aviation officials, FSF President and CEO, William R. Voss

FSF’s Voss Urges Italian Government to Address Aviation Regulatory Needs

Calls for Greater Independence and Resources in Aviation Oversight and Investigation


September 27, 2011, Rome, Italy – Following a meeting today in Rome with Italian government and aviation officials,  FSF President and CEO, William R. Voss, made the following statement:


“While we are impressed with the efforts of ENAC and ENAV to enhance aviation safety, we are concerned that the government is not giving them the adequate authority and resources to hire the necessary technical experts in the regulatory and investigation areas. We are also alarmed at the extent of the prosecutorial and judicial interference in the accident investigation process.  Safety investigators must have unhindered access to the flight data and cockpit voice recorders, as well as the relevant witnesses and evidence in order to determine what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Italy needs more robust and independent experts and procedures in place. Aviation safety cannot be taken for granted.”


FSF’s Voss Urges Italian Government to Address Aviation Regulatory Needs



September 27, 2011, Rome, Italy — At the invitation of the October 8 Foundation based in Milan, a delegation of members from the Flight Safety Foundation’s Board of Governors traveled to Rome, Italy to meet with Italian government and aviation officials. Following this meeting with the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) and the Company for Air Navigation Services (ENAV), FSF President and CEO, William R. Voss, made the following statement:


“While we are impressed with the efforts of ENAC and ENAV to enhance aviation safety, we are concerned that the government is not giving them the adequate authority and resources to hire the necessary technical experts in the regulatory and investigation areas. We are also alarmed at the extent of the prosecutorial and judicial interference in the accident investigation process. Safety investigators must have unhindered access to the flight data and cockpit voice recorders, as well as the relevant witnesses and evidence in order to determine what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Italy needs more robust and independent experts and procedures in place. Aviation safety cannot be taken for granted.”


The FSF delegation included Chair of the Board Lynn Brubaker, President Bill Voss, Vice Chair Manfred Brennwald, Secretary and General Counsel Ken Quinn, members Mike Ambrose, Bill Bozin, Paolo Pettinaroli








    Roma - 28/09/2011