Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Interupted trial


Yesterday the umpteenth day of the hearing, of the endless mockery!
And now this!

How each morning that starts a long day in court, we were prepared psychologically to hear the words of the lawyers, experts, judges, and see films of the aftermath and presentations of the accident.

We prepared our hearts to bear the pain that returns each time, we are prepared to receive the endless moral slap in the face. None of us knows however that it would be a mockery of such a size.
We never heard so much. Lawyers´ words that stabbed into us, adjournments for absence, strikes, but none of us expected such a thing: Everything suspended until the first of October!

How strange!? In Italy there is slow bureaucracy, where the laws bounce from one room to another for months before being approved, where it is heard being discussed to the end of time laws that don´t get approved, for the first time here is all the possible and immaginanle eficiency to make things work, in the short time of dreams, the new beautiful laws skating by! And how magically and quickly the defense lawyers use the new laws, fresh from the morning, to delay everyone! But when will we have justice? When will we have it?

This law certainly does not help justice, probably it serves only "someone" who, lucky for them, is more powerful than us and all our porr 118 killed who await still their justice. What would happen if among the 118 killed, there was a "man of power", "someone who counted"? It would be a major problem! What conflict of interest, no?

Instead, unfortunately for us, for them, they were, and we are, the only poor honest citizens.

We pay the taxes (also when we found on the slab the body of our spouse, a father, a son, a brother, nothing is forgive, the taxes still must be paid).

We vote for people who promise things, but they continue, above all, to act in their own interests!

We rely on justice that little, or never, is truly part of the people, of the laws that in theory should defend us. We believe that sooner or later someone will say to us why they should have felt a similar pain (that continues to burn) We believe that the "men of power" will help us find the answer to the simple fact that, being our representatives, should act in their own interests, given that we had faced an injustice.

And instead? Coming from nowhere a law, applicable to a process that already began, for anincident that happened almost two years ago, that blocks everything again. A law that seems tailor made for our misfortune, passed at the same time as our process, and is made in the room next to our court hearing?! A law that permits plea bargaining, made for a terrible process of money, and that makes possible the suspension of the process of CULPABLE MULTIPLE HOMICIDE, aggravated by "COLPA COSCIENTE".

But is it possible to make equal both things? Is it possible that "who" is in fact the the people sitting comfortably who risk to make fall the process that which should clarify why 118 people were murdered?

They say to us we should have faith, that justice will run the course, but faith ebbs away day after day, hour after hour. I believe at the end we should also apologize to the accused and to their lawyers for having made them waste their time. Perhaps someone would manage to get a law passed which convicts a passenger on an airplane who then dies in an accident for not having foreseen the future.

The idea that we have is always the same, from the first day, and the facts of each day confirm it: on that airplane if there was someone who "mattered", justice would be already done and finished.

    Milano - 01/07/2003