Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

My dearest friend Arturo...

My dearest friend Arturo,
The moment we had hoped would never arrive is finally here.
After Vittorio and Ugo, now my turn has come.
We've never had long conversations but we've always understood each other at a glance. We've accomplished so much, reaching heights that were unthinkable!
I am leaving you with the responsibility and honor of continuing our ethical and practical commitment, as only you know how to do.
Lorenzo is a great help and he and his young colleagues will give you that youthful motivation that is so necessary for us.
My thoughts and gratitude go to our collaborators: to people like Mauro and all the rest who I will never forget.
Regarding the authorities and government agencies, my first thought goes to my dear friend Gianni Letta. Please speak to Gianni and tell him how much I valued his friendship.
Please give my heartfelt thanks and a hug to Pierluigi, Alessio, Vito, Daniele, Bruno, and Di Giacomo, the former and current directors of ENAV.
Please tell Bill Voss, Bill McCabe, Ken Hyatt, Ken the attorney and everyone else in America that I was very fond of them all.
Please say goodbye to Sam and Mohan for me.
To Enrica and to you – my dear, great, wonderful friend – I embrace you with such love that you may perhaps catch a glimpse of my destination, so that you may finally see and believe.
My Lorenzo is with us and with all the other 117 angels, who wait for us with open arms.
Your friend forever,


Forgive me, but I know that you, more than anyone else, would understand.
I saluted and commemorated Vittorio. I saluted and commemorated Ugo. But when you passed, I was at a loss for words.
Even though I knew and expected it, I was truly unprepared. I could not accept it. This last letter that you sent me, which I received the day after your passing, has only increased this sensation of solitude and loss.
I turned to Giovanna, Alex and Beatrice for solace, but perhaps it was also an impossible attempt to preserve the thread that connected us in an incomprehensible but very intense way, as you wrote, for over ten years and on a daily basis….so I could still keep you here.
I also had the lucidity and strength to salute you in church and to keep guiding the Task Force with strength and determination, as you wanted, and I will continue to do so.
But I will never be able to say how much it cost me and how difficult it was… and still is.
Someone once said that a Commander is a man who knows how to stand alone.
You also experienced this.
But sometimes it is a heavy burden, and it has never been as heavy as it is now.
I felt that way after Ugo's and Vittorio's passing.
But you were still here.
Now I truly feel alone and you left me with the onerous, difficult yet exciting task of continuing the work that we accomplished, together, up until now.
Perhaps you did this because you know that I won't disappoint you and will continue for as long as I can or until I am convinced that other capable, honest people can take over the job.
In this, Mauro and Lorenzo are – and will continue to be – of great help.
Since that day, my mind has been continuously flooded with memories of the path we took and developed together, often in the face of great adversity and obstacles, armed only with courage and conviction (and sometimes heedlessness) that we were fighting for a just cause.
Besides our many trips in Italy, we went to Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Larnaca, Berlin, Beijing, Singapore, Dublin, Paris, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Washington, Santiago de Chile, Montreal, and Istanbul to participate, share our experience and bear witness. These are just a few of the moments we shared together.
Such work, commitment and effort! But I'm glad that you were able to see the results.
And we will not stop.
The messages that I, the Foundation, and the family received reveal the respect, affection, and admiration for what you have created.
The only other thing is the infinite nostalgia that I feel for the loss of a unique friend and colleague like Ugo, who passed away last October 9, just a few months ago, on the day of the commemoration at La Scala. We often spoke about that moment.
Sometimes it feels strange and difficult for me to still be here.
You two snuck out on me. But I still love you both.
If I had faith, I'd think that the 118 angels high above were smiling when you two arrived and welcomed you both with open arms. And I like to think of all of you looking down upon us as we continue our daily work with the usual constancy and perseverance that you taught us.
I can't say goodbye, so let's just say 'until we meet again'. It costs nothing to dream and sometimes it's good for the heart.
I'd like to conclude – and I hope you agree – by publishing your last letter to me.
There is no need for comments or adjectives to demonstrate your insight, humanity, and greatness and the great void that you leave behind you.
With undying fondness,


I'm sincere: I can't hold back the tears.
Every day that passes I miss you even more. You don't know what I'd give, dear Mr. President, for something simple like seeing your name among my emails, receiving your phone call or, better yet, listening to one of your tirades! I miss your hoarse voice, as sharp as a knife but so affectionate and full of advice. I only want to hug you and tell you how much I cared for you. You know you're my second family and I thank each day for having had the good fortune to meet you.
I'd be lying if I told you that everything is easy, but then I think of you and am reminded of the memories and of what you all created. I think of you, Arturo, Giovanna, Adele, Beatrice, Silvia, Alex, Michele, Mauro and all our wonderful colleagues of the TFT and our fantastic young people, and the fears melt away. I have you beside me, and you will guide me from above. Few people have been so fortunate, and I will do everything in my power so that you, Ugo, Vittorio, our 118 angels and everyone can have all the help and support necessary in this wonderful adventure.
I love you all and I'll never tire saying it.
With deep affection,
