Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

SPEECH of Mrs. ANETTE FORSMAN President of the Ska

8th of October 2003. Two years have past. Two years of sorrow and loss. Two years that tell us that this is the way it is... and is going to be. The reason that so few Scandinavians have travelled down to "Il Bosco dei Faggi" this year is that many of us felt that we wanted to visit the graves of our loved ones in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. But that does not mean that we are not together. All of you who are in our park today are there for us as well. We are thinking of you and we are sure that you also are thinking of us.We all miss our loved ones that we have lost. This is a day when we forever in the future will share a tremendous grief and pain. A day we never will forget.
    Milano - 08/10/2003