Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

A Task Force All Ours

Safety in the air and safety in our airports. This is the primary objective followed by the October 8th Committee to Never Forget, so that what happened on October 8, 2001, will never occur again.
Due to this objective, today, September 1, 2004, a group of highly qualified independent experts in the aviation sector and in air safety, nationally and internationally, was officially established here in the headquarters of our Committee.
The first objective of the team just formed is to monitor the operation and the management of Italian airports with the utmost attention and respect to the defense of the users of the airport, always more frequent without voice and for which it is necessary and proper to guarantee all conditions and of safety.
The team is made of:

Ugo Amatista – Former pilot of Alitalia, expert in radio-assistance and radio for navigation.

Mario Fragomeni – Formerly responsible for Italian air traffic control and ex-Director of the Safety Department of ENAV (Italian federal agency for air safety)

Silvano Imparato – Ex-commander and director of operations of Alitalia. Until a short time ago, was director of air safety department of ENAC (Italian federal agency for Civil Aviation)

Mario Pica – Former commander of Commercial Aviation and Flight Inspector in ENAC. He recently conducted the investigation of the Linate tragedy on behalf of the Italian National Air Safety Agency, ANSV, and was the Technical Consultant of the Milan District Attorney’s Office for the Linate investigation.

Silvano Silenzi – Former commander and responsible for the airbus department of Alitalia. For 10 years, he was responsible for flight operations in Alitalia.

Pierluigi di Palma – Federal Attorney, legal consultant for the Ministry of Transportation and Director-General of ENAC for three years. Currently, he is responsible for coordination of ENAC and ENAV with the European Union in Brussels.

Arturo Radini – Former pilot and responsible for the sector of investigations and preventive measures of accidents in Alitalia. He is a member of the National and International Commission of Air Accidents.

The work of the team consists of:

The collection and analysis of possible deficiencies of safety conditions in Italian airports with a periodic update to the appropriate authorities to make substatntive contributions to improving flight safety in Italy
To promote valid and concrete actions for security of air transport and to take the necessary measures that will guarantee the improvement of flight safety.
The group of experts has already undertaken their activities and the first results will come during the Convention on Air Safety that the October 8 Foundation has organized in Milan for October 7, 2004.

    Milan - 01/09/2004