Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends

The third anniversary has gone. The organization this year was especially full of events, four intense days.

Wednesday, October 6: The second hearing of the trial was cut short. Our presence is always very important at the trial, and many of the family members were in the hall outside the courtroom.

Thursday, October 7: The Conference on Air Safety coordinated by our Foundation. It was a complete success, and the high quality of the speakers was met with strong approval by those in attendance. In fact, we recorded 242 present from around Italy. I am certain that if it had not been for the problem with the radar at Linate Airport, we certainly would have surpassed 300 present. Not all of the conference was ideal, since many representatives of the Government,Congress, and Enac did not attend. A pity, we wanted to obtain promises this year they will not be able to give us.

Kind words of admiration for what the Committee is doing came from the Mayor of Milan, Mayor Albertini, and from President Formigoni and from Mr. Bortoli, who led the Round Table with true professionalism and skill. Thanks to all of those who, though with the difficulty of getting to the Conference, made such extensive efforts to be present. A special thanks goes to Professor Mauritius Basin and to Commander Arturo Radini. Without their help, the Conference would not have been possible

. Thursday, October 8: ”OUR DAY”. We relatives of the victims were more than 300 strong. The Basilica of Holy Maria was crowded. We are grateful for the availability of the auxiliary Bishop of Milan, Monsignor Angelo Mascheroni, and for the sermon highlighting the requirement for justice and spurred us to continue us towards our objective for the well-being of everyone.

Then, in nine coaches escorted by the Milan City Police, we were brought to the inauguration of the Street, Via 8 October 2001, To Never Forget Linate. It was a moving ceremony. First, Mayor Albertini and I uncovered the street sign, and we made our speeches. Mayor Albertini underlined the purpose of the Committee and all we have done to raise awareness of air safety. He added, that the Committee is an “Association well-known in Italy and in all of Europe, that has built a network of solidarity that reaches to the families of the victims, that offers comfort, that takes care of concrete needs”. After the speech, the 118 names of our loved ones were read, and it was a moment of truth and deep emotion.

The following people read the names

Mayor GABRIELE ALBERTINI – Mayor of Milan
Mrs. IVANA CAFFI MOTTA - Vice President of the Committee
Mr. ROBERTO MAIORANA – Country Manager, SAS Italy
Mr. CARLO LIO – Advisor for Lombardia Region
Mrs. EVI VOLPATO - Marketing Director, SAS Italy
Mr. PASQUALE AVERSA- Vice Prefetto of Milan
Mr. SALVATORE CARRUBA – Advisor, City of Milan
Mr. GIORGIO PICCIRIELLO – Sectretary, Committee
Mr. PAOLO SCARPIS – Police Chief, Milano
Italian Red Cross Volunteers

To conclude the ceremony, we carried out a visit to Forlanini Park / the Forest of the Beech Trees, but this year it was without any official ceremony. It was a private and very intense visit.

In the evening I participated in a lecture organized by the Italian Red Cross (IRC), titled “The tragedy of the Milan Airport.” About three hundred volunteers of the IRC were present, and at the end of my speech those present rose and applauded at length. That applause goes to all our loved ones. It was a very tiring and tough test, retracing nearly every minute of the ordeal of that day, but it was fair to bring our testimony for those who had done so much.

Saturday, October 9: We were taken to the city of Gorgonzola, where the “Via Linate 8 October 2001” was inaugurated. It was a simple ceremony but much was said. A thank you to Mayor Stefano Lampertico and to all in the Gorgonzola City Administration for this gesture to remember not only the citizens of Gorgonzola lost in the tragedy, Alberto Opizzi and Mark Cantù, but to all the 118 victims.

It is a shame that Pasquale Padovano, who was struck with illness on Thursday morning, was recovering in the hospital and could not be present. We all send him our solidarity.

Now I wish to express gratitude to all of those who given us a hand to prepare for this large event.

Thank you to SAS for the constant attention they have shown to us, for the financial help for the Conference, for the roses and all floral decoration at the Church and at the Forest of the Beeches. Thank you to SEA for all its human and financial assistance they have given us this year. Thank you for the continuous availability to resolve our problems and for the love they transmitted to us through their operation.

Thank you to all of the sponsors who allowed for the Conference to take place with their contributions. To end a large embrace and thanks to all of you who were not physically present. Thanks to Adele and to her daughters, to Mirta, Piera, Sara, Chiara, Vittorio,Franca, , Francesca, Mariarosa, Mariella, Claudia, Lorena, Giorgio, Arianna, Ivana and Joshua. That large volume of important work you have done the last four months, so many hours at home and in the office, how many treks across Milan from one office to another, and with love and dedication they showed in their tasks, always working in silence and without asking for anything in return.

Thank You!
