Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Commttee´s Annual Members Assembly 2005

Dear Friends,

I would like to communicate to you that the Annual Members Assembly of our Committee will be held on:

Sunday, December 11, 2005
At 10:30 AM Star Hotel Splendido – Via A. Doria – Milan, Italy

As shown in the Committee By Laws, during the Assembly, there will be the elections for the new board.

Who may be interested in participating in the Board, we ask you to send your candidacy to the Committee office by November 14, 2005

The agenda of the day follows:

1) Update by the Board of Directors, presentation of the June 30 accounting report, auditing report
2) Nomination of members for the Board of Directors and checking number of interested people
3) Nominations for the Auditing School

The meetings will begin at 10:30 AM, and will likely conclude at 2:00 PM, and between 12:15 and 1:15 PM there will be a lunch buffet.

On our Internet site we shall have list of candidates for our Board of Directors.

It is very important that we stay united and continue to work together to reach our goals we have established. Many of us should participate.

Thank you for your attention.


Paolo Pettinaroli