Fifth Anniversary of the Linate Tragedy

Dear Friends
By now five years have passed since the tragedy that struck and also this year, we organized a time to get together, of mediation, and remembrance.
The schedule is the following:
Saturday, October 7th
Also this year the City of Milan has made available the Scala Theater to commemorate the 5th anniversary with a unique and great concert.
The Philarmonic choir of la Scala will perform “La petite messe Solennelle" by i Gioacchino Rossini per soli Coro, two pianos and armonium.
The concert will begin at 9 PM.
We are deepy grateful to Mayor Moratti, to the Milan City Hall and to the management of La Scala for the great opportunity they offered to us.
Sunday, October 8th
9:30 AM Holy Mass inside the Duomo of Milan.
Participating will be Mons. Luigi Manganini (Arciprete of the Duomo)
Omelia di Sua Eminenza Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
Choir: San Carlo School - Soprano: Enrica Fassio
11:15 Am – Visit to the Park of Beech Trees (Bosco dei Faggi). Laying of flowers and lighting the candle.
1.00 Pm - Lunch
That is all for the moment.
Warm Regards,
Paolo Pettinaroli