Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Ambrogino d’Oro: Gold medal for civic merit.

Dear Friends,

I want to share with you the wonderful news of an important honor: the City of Milan has awarded me the Ambrogino d’Oro gold medal for civic merit.

I was overjoyed at the news of this totally unexpected award that never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined receiving.

The Ambrogino d’Oro is Milan’s recognition of everything that each and every one of us is doing to improve air transportation safety.

I want to share this award with everyone who has helped and supported me over these seven difficult years, and all the people who have worked with me to reach our objective.

In this splendid moment, my thoughts go to Comitato 8 Ottobre 2001 members; the Executive Board, which is always very scrupulous and cooperative; the untiring members of our Technical Task Force; public and private institutions; honest and sincere politicians; and the media, which has always supported our efforts.
This award gives me the energy to continue with renewed enthusiasm.

With gratitude and affection,

