Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Annual partner's meeting 2014

Dear friends,


I would like to inform you that our 2014 Annual Meeting will be held as follows:

- Sunday January 18th, 2015 at "Starhotel E.C.Ho" - 4, Andrea Doria st., Milan.


Please read following points that are in agenda:


1° Executive Board report about activity carried out; presentation of the report updated at June 30th, 2014 and auditors' report.

2° Appointment of Executive Board members

3° Appointment of Auditors Board members


Here's the program of the day:


03.00pm/03.45pm   Start and introduction of point 1

Ore 03.45pm/04.00pm   point 2 in agenda

Ore 04.00pm/05.00pm   Counting of votes

Ore 05.00pm/05.15pm   Reading the results of votes

Ore 05.15pm/06.00pm  Debate

Ore 06.00pm            End


On our website, in case of changes, we will publish the Executive Board list of candidates.


Join the crowd!


Thanks for your attention.
