Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Even our fourteenth anniversary has passed

Even our fourteenth anniversary has passed.

It went away with a little more melancholy and sadness.

This year we were more alone in remembering.

Our Leader left us, even if we felt him among us all the time.

The Holy Mass, celebrated as always in Sant’Ambrogio, was held by Mons.Buzzi, Prefect of Biblioteca Ambrosiana.

His homily gave everyone a message of hope, a witness to carry on with this path.

Corale Primavera masterfully accompanied the whole celebration with its songs.

Thanks to all those who have been there with us, with their presence or thoughts. Thanks to the numerous

civil and military authorities who, after fourteen years, are always present.

The church full of relatives proves that we are still close while sharing the Memory

of our loved ones who left us, but also Milan’s citizens do not forget and a lot of them were there.

The grandchildren who brought gifts to the altar have been a hymn to the Life that goes on: the children are our future and for them we have to go on.

Then the moment at Bosco dei Faggi. Intense as always.

The “Silenzio” which was played is, every time, very touching and moving.

The following day, at Teatro Alla Scala, great music!!

On the notes of Giuseppe Verdi, a magnificent Falsfaff, that was even more fascinating thanks to the frame of our theater, famous all over the world.

Thanks to the Mayor Giuliano Pisapia who did everything to be there and who, despite a hard day full of travels, was able to attend the celebration and to greet us with words of admiration and encouragement.

This Anniversary meant new emotions to me, which are arduous to reveal, a strong nostalgia and a sense of emptiness.

Replacing Who can’t be replaced is a demanding task.

But I thank all of you, who have been close to me and shared intense emotions.

I’ve tried to do everything possible so that Paolo and all of you are not disappointed.

I felt the warmth and in your eyes I saw the encouragement I needed.

Thank you all.

Thank you.

A strong hug


