Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Our 15th Anniversary

Our fifteenth anniversary brought many of us together, once again, to share the memory.

This year we reached and passed another turning point.


As always, many events were planned.


We gathered together on October 7 for the magnificent, unforgettable concert at the La Scala Opera House.

Giuseppe Verdi's Messa da Requiem is perhaps the most beautiful and famous requiem ever written: the powerful music of the chorus alone filled us with supreme emotion. 

Maestro Riccardo Chailly confirmed once again that he is a great conductor.


The intense commemoration took place on the following morning.

This year we were honored to have His Eminency Cardinal Angelo Scola celebrate Mass in our beloved Sant'Ambrogio Basilica.

His intense, vibrant homily was much appreciated by all.

His Eminency was extraordinarily affectionate and walked down the center aisle, shaking everyone's hand and offering a word of comfort.


The wonderful La Verdi Children's Choir of Milan angelically accompanied the Holy Mass.

The church was filled with family members and with the Milanese who have never forgotten.


As always, we thank and are grateful to the numerous civilian and military authorities who were present.

We thank Mayor Giuseppe Sala who wanted to meet us and was in attendance.

His words encourage us to continue with the confidence that we will be supported by this new administration.


The moment in "our" Bosco was intense, as always. The tall beech trees surrounded us in the silence of our meditation.


On the evening of October 8, we attended the great concert in Brescia performed by the Orzinuovi Band. These young people were so talented that rather than a band, I'd say they are practically an orchestra!

This beautiful music was also dedicated to our loved ones.


My thoughts and, I'm sure, yours as well often went to our unforgettable Paolo, who was certainly close to us and accompanied us during these moments of the Commemoration.


Other commemorations took place in the following days, as every year.


Casalgrande commemorated the day on October 11 with a prayer and the deposition of a floral wreath at the monument dedicated to our loved ones.


There was also a ceremony in the park dedicated to us in Parma. On Monday, October 11, a ceremony in San Donato Milanese commemorated Fabio Mangiagalli and all his travel companions.

Thank you all for being there this year.

Your vicinity, assiduous presence and cooperation help us continue to work for our loved ones so that safety is always our primary objective.


Much love to all,


