Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Milan, 6th September 2002 Dear Friends – On Monday, September 2, we officially inaugurated the Committee’s new web site: WWW.COMITATO8OTTOBRE.COM In reality, the site was already functioning since January under the address,, but due to the great amount of work we had, we were not able to update it. Thus we decided to hire a specialized company, CLICKUS, to work with the web site, we believe they have done a great job. On trhe web site you can find all the news related to what are our activites. If you have any suggestions or critiques, we would like to know so that we make all the necessary changes to improve the site. Please visit the site at least once a week. FROM NOW ON, ALL THE PERTINENT NOTICES FROM THE COMMITTEE WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE HOME PAGE. We understand that not everyone is able has access the Internet, but it is very important for us to communicate through the computer, which save us much time and money. For this reason we ask you kindly to send an E-mail to the Committee if it is alright for us to NOT send you letters in the mail. We will obviously continue to send letters through the post to whom that does not send us the information required. A warm embrace