Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


It is 2:45 AM and I just finished writing on the web site, responding to E-mails (and there are always many), have just prepared an article for a newspaper that has requested for me to recount what the Committee has done in the last year, started to prepare for my interview for the “Domenica In” show the day after tomorrow and I am falling asleep in front of the computer. Tomorrow will be another full day like the last seven. Newspaper, radio, and television interviews for many parts of the world, a long meeting with SAS and SEA to organize this Tuesday and tomorrow will finally be the suffrage Mass of my Lorenzo….a little peace. I thought I would not be able to cry anymore, it has been several months since I have not managed to do so but the last seven days I can’t even let one interview go by without getting emotional. Who knows if I will do this Sunday on television? My friend Paolo, a noted psychiatrist, to whom I confided this weakness this morning, told me that I am finally returning to being human again, it has been so long that I felt afraid, that it is my right to cry and do it without shame. In three days we will be together, each of us in great pain but with the great joy of seeing and embracing each other again. And it is almost a year since my nomination to being President of the Committee. It was a year full of new and painful experiences crowned with large and small successes that I hope have alleviated a little of the pain. I am tired but I will continue to want you near because I want you well. An embrace, Paolo