Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Thank you SAS, for everything you’ve done for us right from the very first day. You gathered us together, you dedicated your time to us with endless kindness and patience, never refusing your immediate help, and even when you had to give us unpleasant news, you did it with tact and gentleness
. I recall the Santa Lucia party, the Christmas and birthday gifts, the special attention you paid to our children, and your constant and discreet presence. And, in conclusion, the October 8 ceremony, crowned by the gift of that marvelous monument “Infinite Sorrow”, a work of art, a precious piece of Scandinavia that will be a beautiful addition to our Wood
. I, who was involved in the organizational aspect from the first meeting with you in May, have seen how much love, attention to the smallest detail, and efficiency that you have dedicated in the organization of Memorial Day, besides your substantial economic commitment to the project. I’d like to thank all the SAS “Angels” (we gave them that name right from the start and will continue to do so). I’d mention you all by name, but I don’t want to risk forgetting someone.
Many thanks to our friend Roberto Maiorana, who is always kind, attentive, and respectful of everyone’s needs. We’ve given you so many problems and troubles! You were and are great, and we’re grateful. Be proud of your staff
. And the dear, sweet, marvellous Evi. What can one say about you and not risk saying something banal? What adjectives can we use? You are good, generous, altruistic and candid. I’ve often observed you: I’ve never seen you angry, I never heard you criticize someone, but you’ve always uttered words of consolation, comfort and assistance. I’ve seen you work with tenacity and determination, and you never once complained.

We will be eternally grateful to you. THANK YOU, EVI!