Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends Today I have the honour to announce a wonderful news. The Prefect of the Vatican, Mr. James Harvey, communicated that the Holy Father has kindly accepted our request for him to receive us at his Wednesday general meeting. This news gives us great joy and emotion and I am proud to say that many of us can participate in this important meeting on: Wednesday 14th May 2003, at 10:30 in the morning (date to be confirmed) On the same day, in the afternoon, at Fiumicino Airport, there will be an inauguration of a square that ENAC (National Civil Air Safety Agency) wanted to dedicate to remember our tragedy. The square will be nemad: “Linate 8th October 2001 (to never forget)” I requested for SAS to organize a package which will include air or train, lodging in Rome, and transfers. Regarding this package, I will provide you information very soon. There are 250 places reserved that will obviously give priority to the families of the victims, but you are welcome to invite friends, if there are extra spaces available. We ask you to let us know within April 15th (via e mail or Fax or telephone) to the Committee’s office your booking so we may make the necessary reservations. Kindly, Paolo Pettinaroli