Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends

I wanted to use this space to tell you just a few words that still fill my heart after having experienced such emotion on last Wednesday, May 14, together with all of you in Rome.

It was a unique day, starting with the audience with the Pope at St. Peter´s Cathedral. It was a very meaningful meeting, one that was highly involving, and he emanated a spiritual force that we all should benefit from.

We received an important blessing, that the Pope had made especially for our loved ones and extended to our families.

It was a day of memory but also a day of pain, of the renewed agony that struck us that October 8. Our feelings indeed prevailed, the expression of our deepest state of mind and of silence. With a new consciousness however, that of not being on our own.

As you saw in Rome, we were not alone, rather we had so many people who respected our suffering and showed their care for us, to let us know they are near, that they are there for us. The presence of so many important people comforts us and helps us understand that we are on the right path.

Our day in Rome continued in the afternoon with the civil celebration and Religious ceremony and culminated with the dedication of the piazza, "Largo Linate October 8, 2001 to Not Forget" at Fiumicino Airport. A very important step was taken, another task, that we undertook for "them" on this long road, to never forget what happened.
All of Italy spoke of it and for this a proper and sincere thans to all.

Furthermore, many contributed to make that day more special. The organizers were very busy, but in the end they showed all the efforts undertaken by the Director of ENAC and of the other organizers from our Committee.
To all goes my sincere thanks.

Congratulations to all of you. Our daily efforts can take us in a direction forward, to see what happened, putting all our efforts together to ensure that a similar tragedy does not happen again, and that the memory of our loved ones are always recalled as an example and maintained alive and bright as all those people were that morning when they got on that flight.

For all of them.
An embrace,


In the upcoming days, we will publish in our photo gallery some pictures of the event.
