Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Visit to the Venice Airport


On June 28, under the invitation of Director, Valerio Bonato, we were invited to visit the Marco Polo Airport of Venice. There were 83 of us, a nice group, who despite the heat and other obligations, had wanted to be present at an intimate and touching ceremony.

The Director, exceptional person, received us with warmth and affection, and together with all the executives managers of the airport, we visited the kiosk of the Madonnina of Loreto protector of the aviation, and along the way we passed under an arch of water shooting from hydrants of the firemen. This ceremony, called Angel of Water, is a special honor given to few.

Dear friends, I cannot tell you the emotion that we experienced, it was simply a wonderful thing and almost impossible to describe our feelings.

And when we were together at the small alter we said a prayer for Them and for you. The moment was beautiful and solemn and our prayers were together with the flight of “Lady”, a marvelous falcon used by the airport to keep away other birds from the flight paths of the planes taking off and landing.

We received confirmation that the airport of Venice is secure and safe, with the various stop bars and runway lights functioning!

The day was over and we finished it with a lunch followed by the traditional yell of the pilots, "ghereghe ghez", through the director Bonato
Our President had presented our Committee button to Mr. Bonato, who declared that he would wear it with much respect and pride.

At the end of the day, we were tired but happy for the beautiful time at the airport and for the participation of everyone there, the authorities and airport personnel.
