Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

convegno di Istanbul

ACI EUROPE and ACI-ASIA PACIFIC present The Airport Operations Conference

“Addressing regulation and safety challenges, through enhanced stakeholder collaboration”
This conference will assess the main criteria for delivering improved airport operations and address all issues impacting airport safety and efficiency.


“Addressing regulation and safety challenges, through enhanced stakeholder collaboration”
This conference will assess the main criteria for delivering improved airport operations and address all issues impacting airport safety and efficiency.

Conference programme for Tuesday 5 October 2010


09.00 – 10.30
Opening Session


Welcome Address:
•Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE
Opening Keynote Panel Discussion:
What were the operational challenges and lessons learned from the recent volcanic incident. What did the aviation industry do well and what could have been done better?

Panellists include:
• Ad Rutten, EVP & COO, Schiphol Group and President, ACI EUROPE

• Joe Sultana, Deputy Director CFMU, EUROCONTROL

• Graham Lake, Director General, CANSO

•Murat Oernekol, Chief Operating Officer, TAV Airports Holding

•Paul Schwach, Deputy Director-General, DGAC

10.30 – 11.15
Networking coffee break on the exhibition floor

11.15 – 12.45
First Working Session

Regulatory Issues

•Jan Metsovitis, Director Aviation Business Unit, Athens International Airport S.A and Chairman of the ACI TOSC
Creating the new regulatory system: Update on the EASA Aerodrome Rulemaking Process

•Jussi Myllärniemi, Head of ATM / Airports Dept, EASA
State of implementation of ICAO Annex 14 in EASA Member States

•Dr. Holger Schulz, Managing Director, airsight
The new ICAO PANS-AGA - PANS-Aerodromes Study Group (PASG)

•Speaker to be confirmed

12.45 – 14.15
Networking Lunch on the exhibition floor

14.15 – 15.45
Second Working Session
Human Factors and Safety Management Systems

Chairman’s Introduction: The pilot perspective on safety at European Airports

•Capt. Rob van Eekeren, Board Member, Director Technical, Security and Safety, Dutch Air Line Association and IFALFA Committee member
Runway safety enhancements in the areas of excursions, incursions and confusion

•Bill Voss, President and CEO, Flight Safety Foundation
The ENAV plan for the prevention of runway incursions

•Massimo Garbini, General Manager, ENAV
Best strategies for Reporting, Just Culture, competency and training issues, for airport staff as well as handlers

•Daniel Bircher, Safety Officer, Zurich Airport and Vice President of the ACI EUROPE Technical and Operational Safety Committee
