Le Vittime

Età: 57Professione: Purser SAS
"There are moments that you never forget. Even if they happened 23 years ago.
It was the morning of October 8, 2001. Hotel Crown Plaza in Linate, around 6:00 a.m. A coffee and a croissant and small talk with the crew of flight SK686.
The two pilots were in their mid-thirties, the cabin crew was also young, only the purser was a little older. There was a wonderful atmosphere. It was foggy outside, but there was some sun at the hotel itself.
The purser, Lise Lotte, was in a very good mood and with a cheerful grin she said goodbye, "I wish you a very nice day" and went through the revolving doors of the hotel.
A good hour later this terrible accident occurred. There was a bang, but it was not clear what had happened. Only gradually, as the scene cleared up, did the extent of the terrible catastrophe become clear.
"I wish you a very nice day". That peaceful and happy expression on your face haunted me for weeks. It's unbelievable that a person I had only just met and known for 10 minutes was no longer alive an hour later - dead along with her crew, passengers and baggage handling staff.
Even today, 23 years later, I remember you, that carefree happiness and zest for life.
Rest in peace!"a fleeting encounter - 05/10/2024 -
"I'll always remember that day. God bless you "
Annalisa - 08/10/2021
"Kære Lotte,
En sen lørdagaften i december 2010 sidder jeg og tænker på dig. Min søn Emil sover trykt og er 7 år gammel. Vi var i Ulvedalen og kælke i dag og i Tivoli for at se julelysene i vintermørket. Det mindede mig om alle de skønne oplevelser vi havde sammen under min opvækst. Skiture, rejser, gåture, weekender. Du tog mig altid med. Du har givet mig så mange gode minder med i bagagen.
Jeg ville ønske du kunne have mødt min søn, så vi alle tre kunne have hygget os på den årlige juletur, som vi begge holdt så meget af.
Kære Moster Lotte jeg savner dig."Thomas - 04/12/2010 -
"Dear Lise Lotte,
I went to Stockholm a few days after the tragedy to be at the church remembrance, and to Kastrup when you came "home". Have been thinking of you even more since I started as a stewardess for British Airways at the tender age of 49, three years ago. I would have loved to turn to you for advice. Miss your wit, your wisdom. You were always so kind, fun, easy-going. When I saw you at Heathrow in September 2001 during a turnaround and you told me that we could have met at High Street Ken on your next London nightstop I was over the moon. That was not to be. I would like to bring you flowers, but I don't know where you are. Please accept my tears and longing.
Erica, SK LHR ground staff 1994-2004 - 26/03/2007
"Loved by friends all over the world and deeply missed by the whole family"
your sister Gitte - 25/09/2006