Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Le Vittime



Età: 31


  • "Cara Jessica, ancora un mio pensiero per te e per il tuo sorriso."
    Daniele S (IED) - 06/10/2023
  • "So sad you died almost 20 years ago. "
    Zoli, Hungary - 22/01/2021
  • "Nyugodj békében. "
    Zoltán Zsótér Szeged, Hungary - 22/01/2021
  • "Ciao Jessy , love you"
    CC - 23/04/2018
  • "I'm sad for this tragedy and for her, beautiful and good girl. R.I.P Jessica " - 14/02/2017
  • "Dear Jessica,
    I have only just found out about you.I have no words to express my hurt or the sympathy i have for your family. I lost contact with you when i changed home in France, but managed to get your card from Hong Kong though; you did not leave an address.
    I still have some of your personel affects ajust when you left Disney to go to Gozo/Malta which were when you were a kid. As promised i still kept them for when you came back to visit Disney in France.
    If any of your family or friends are reading this, please email me at "" or ""
    So that i can forward Jessica's personnel good memories.
    May her memories and smile last for ever.
    Brendon Ronayne
    France." - 26/01/2013
  • "Riposa in pace Jessica"
    Fra - 25/05/2007
  • "On behalf of family members worldwide our thoughts are with you all who have lost so much. The fifth memorial was a beautiful way to honor family and friends. gail Gail Dunham President National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation 888-444-6232 - phone 336-643-1394 - fax"
    october 24, 2006 - 25/10/2006
  • "Jessica was a very special friend. She came to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for her last birthday and we spent the day together, in 2000. I think Jessica was like an angel of kindness. I will never forget her and I pray for her always."
    Maria Cristina - 12/10/2006
  • "Jessica was a very special friend. She came to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for her last birthday and we spent the day together, in 2000. I think Jessica was like an angel of kindness. I will never forget her and I pray for her always."
    Maria Cristina - 12/10/2006
  • "Five years past and we still face the immense void. Thank you for making this place so special while you were with us."
    JK - 08/10/2006
  • "I did not know Jessica but I am a friend of her brother Josh. I watched him run the Rome marathon in her memory. Hearing Josh talk about her I am sad that I never had the privlege of meeting her. Brian "
    Brian C. Murphy - 08/10/2006
  • "My dear, sweet, wonderful friend. I miss you so."
    Sara - 07/10/2006
  • "Jessica is my sister. Today is the third anniversary of her death. She spoke 6 languages and traveled the world fearlessly. She will be missed. Brian King"
    brian king - 09/10/2004
  • "It seems only yesterday since I last saw you. Still miss you. God bless you and keep you. "
    Bruce Hutchison - 18/10/2003
  • "Your endless spirit will never be forgotten."
    Dana Koenig - 10/10/2002