Le Vittime

Età: 34Professione: MANAGER
"You were beautiful sunshine. I used to walk with my niece to your work. I remember how you wanted to take my niece into your arms and I think you were the first one who's hugs she enjoyed.
We met many times and it was big shock in this little town to hear what did happen.
Just over week ago I told my niece about you. She was nearly 1 year old then when you told about your coming trip and you were excited. My god time has fly so fast. I'll remember you always. ❤️ "Ls - 08/03/2023 -
"Love you, miss you...
Jukka."Jukka - 13/12/2021 -
I found the Mickey Mouse photo album again that you made for me back in 1991. I also still have all the love letters you wrote me. So warm, so open hearted, so full of love.
We had a really lovely holiday in Calella, Spain. We met you with your friend 'Mari' in Cannes. Two weeks we spent felt like 10 happy years. I enjoyed our time so much and often remembered it. All the pictures clearly show our love for each other. It was love at first sight, for us both. But a life together was not meant to be.
I'm so sorry you had to leave so early. I didn't know until now. It's not fair. You had so much to give, to the people around you, to the world.
I would love to have seen you again, but that's impossible now. It hurts so much.
I loved you. I miss you. You'll be always in my heart. Until we meet again...
Forever yours,
PS: if anybody out there that knew Anu Mecklin wants to contact me, I'd love to hear more about her life. I knew her shortly, but loved her ever since. "rene verkaart - 01/03/2019 -
"I miss you Anu Verpi Mecklin. You were one of a kind. The world is a little sadder without you. Until we meet again."
JT - 26/03/2016
"Anu oli niin hauska ja reipas !
Meidän omassa kerhossa sai niin monet naurut nauraa Anun kanssa
Kiitos Anu!
Sussu "
Anulle - 27/01/2009
"i miss you"
finland - 21/12/2003
"Era il 7 ottobre, ed eravate felicissime. Ricordo di averti servita la tua ultima cena e di avere scherzato con te e le tue amiche.Eravamo al Nabucco, dove lavoravo come cameriere. Avrò sempre nel cuore il vostro caro ricordo, il tuo in particolare per la simpatia e la gioia di vivere.
Con te, un abbraccio anche a tutti gli altri 117.
Un ricordo indelebile quando mi hai detto: torneremo ed avremo per te una sorpresa...
ho passato notti intere a ripensare a queste parole, poi forse ho capito che la sorpresa di cui parlavi era l'avervi conosciute, come angeli volati via in un attimo.
Pregherò sempre per Voi, sarete sempre nel mio cuore.
Giorgio Babini - 21/11/2003