8 October: National day
The Italian Republic recognizes October 8 as National Day "Not to forget"
27/10/2021 -
Our XX anniversary
Here is what happened on October 8, 2021, in the words of the President, the speeches, photos and articles.
14/10/2021 -
The speeches of the 20th anniversary of the Linate disaster
A special day on October 8, 2021, ever more special.
14/10/2021 -
That day at Linate airport
27/09/2021 -
20th Anniversary Linate disaster
Dearest friends
We have reached our 20th Anniversary.
Although it seems as if it just happened yesterday, 20 years have already passed. Yet within our hearts, time has stood still.
13/09/2021 -
Presentation of the book on Linate
On Friday 24 September at 5 pm, the book on Linate, written by Francesca La Mantia, will be presented in Palazzo Marino, in the Council Chamber (Aula Consiliare).
09/09/2021 -
Degree Award in Memory of the Victims of the Linate Disaster
Dear all, yesterday morning the ceremony for the awarding of the scholarships in memory of Linate took place online.
22/07/2021 -
Pettinaroli award
Delivery of the 5th edition Pettinaroli Award - Vettignè, 4th July 2021.
25/06/2021 -
19th Anniversary
Dearest friends
this nineteenth anniversary is also gone.First of all, let us hope that he has taken away at least some of that charge of pain and fear that has accompanied us in these months and that has recently become threatening again ....
15/10/2020 -
Holy Mass at the Basilica of S. Ambrogio
Read the speech of the President of the Committee October 8th not to forget, Adele Scarani.
16/10/2019 -
Concert in memory of the 118 victims of the Linate accident
Here is the speech by the President of the Committee October 8th at the Concert at the Verdi Music Conservatory in Milan.
16/10/2019 -
18th Anniversary of the Linate Tragedy
Dear friends,
Eighteen years have passed since the tragedy that struck us, and this year we will organize a day for us with moments of reflection and remembrance.