Good Bye President
Good bye our dear friend
Milano - 11/04/2015 -
ICAO High Level Safety Conference 2015
Presented at the ICAO High Level Safety Conference 2015 the ENAC Advisory Circular "Policy on Assistance to Aircfrat Accident Victims and Their Families".
Montreal, Canada - 09/02/2015 -
2° Giant Slalom Trophy "118 - To never Forget
Giant Slalom Trophy "118 - To never Forget" take place at Marileva, on March 29, 2015.
Marilleva (TN) - 05/02/2015 -
Cerchio Blu Association - Oltre il Dovere seminar (January, 16th 2014) - Presentation of the Award to our President, Paolo Pettinaroli
Cerchio Blu association in cooperation with Regione Toscana has organized the Seminar "Oltre il Dovere - L'impatto traumatico nel Post Emergenza" ("Beyond the duty - The traumatic impact during the post-emergency phase). The event will take place on January, 16th 2014, at "Sala delle Feste" in Florence (Via Cavour, 18).
04/01/2015 -
International Convention 21st and 22nd October 2014
The Fondazione 8 ottobre 2001 together with Demetra, has organized in Milan, for the 21st and 22nd, an International meeting on “Flight Security and Passenger Rights- Future Developments”
Milano - 29/10/2014 -
The program of our 13th Anniversary
Thirteen years have passed since the tragedy and, like each year, we want to organize a day of commemoration and reflection.
Milano - 05/09/2014 -
Fondazione 8 Ottobre 2001 - Per non dimenticare, in cooperation with the City of Milan and DEMETRA Centro studi of Rome, organize an international conference on Flight Safety and Assistance for Victims and Their Families after an Air Crash.
Sala della Provincia di Milano - Via Corridoni 16, Milano - 28/08/2014 -
Free legal aid to the "Dronitaly2014"
October, 8th Foundation has granted the free legal aid to the "Dronitaly2014" event which will take place in Milan, on October 24 -25, 2014.
Milano - 03/07/2014 -
New office
From 16th of June our new address is Milan, in Via San Tomaso, 3.
10/06/2014 -
Hans Ephraimson, chairman of the Air Crash Victims Family Group, passed away.
Today we have received a vedry sad news.
Our good friend Hans Ephraimson, chairman of the Air Crash Victims Family Group, passed away.
This is the news we would never have received.
We have lost a big friend, a great man and a fantastic and honest person.
He spent 30 years of his life working very hard for the benefit of the humanity
Thank you Hans, please continue to help us from up there.Milano - 25/10/2013 -
Our twelth anniversary or the tragedy of Linate is gone.
See speeches.
Milano - 13/10/2013 -
Our 12th Anniversary
Our 12th Anniversary
Twelve years have passed since the tragedy and, like each year, we want to organize a day of commemoration and reflection.
Milano - 12/09/2013