Good Bye President

Today we gather here to salute you. It is not a farewell because you, Paolo, will always be a part of us. We began this journey together, fourteen years ago.
Despite your great sorrow, you had the strength to comfort and inspire us.
You took us by the hand. You dried our tears. You made us understand that we had to go forward and work together to seek justice for our loved ones and give a sense to their passing. You created and believed in Comitato 8 Ottobre and you convinced us of its value.
Many thought we were crazy. They accused us of being grief-stricken people who ranted on about transportation safety, justice and ethics. But you – and all of us – wanted something simple: we wanted to make people safe. Consequently, these people decided to humor us, convinced as they were that we would have stopped when our sorrow waned. But that never happened!
You, Paolo, created something great out of nothing. You convinced us that we would have achieved success, and that's what we did.
Your tireless work and the help that we could give you allowed us to reach unthinkable heights. We were devastated but with your strength and love, you not only made us strong and tough: you made us better people. We were a miniscule grain in a sea of sand that turned into a pebble, then a rock and finally a mountain. The process – the initial small conferences and early awards – gradually grew with the birth of our Foundation, which was the logical progression of the Committee. With your extraordinary capacity and determination, you called upon the top aviation safety experts: people with great humanity and knowledge who worked with us – and will continue to do so – for the good of all.
Thanks to you and all of these people, we are recognized and admired around the globe.
But you did not stop here.
With your ability to embrace the future, you wanted to surround yourself with passionate, positive young people who consider you their mentor and will continue – in your spirit – to pursue your work and this project.
We have come so very far since those first days. From a mere drop in the ocean, we have become a beacon for navigators and an anchor of hope for castaways.
You were always on the front, despite the cruel disease that afflicted you. You had to fight it as well, but each time you won your battle and continued along your path.
Many of us ask ourselves: what next? Now, dear Paolo, everything will continue. We are not alone. You are always with us, beside us. You taught us how to fight and go forward. And we will go forward and fight, because this is your wish and it is our duty. We will do exactly as you have always done.
We won't disappoint you, dear Paolo. We will always feel your presence and will work with the same wisdom, determination, and class for which you were known.
Thank you, Paolo, but remember: it is still not time to rest. Roll up your sleeves and watch us from above. Now your most difficult task awaits you. Guide us, so that we will never forget. Don't worry: you'll have our 118 angels, along with Vittorio and Ugo, to help you… as we have always done and will continue to do so.
Now you are the guiding star that will illuminate our path.