Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Try to keep calm and preserve your aplomb!
Try to politely express your perplexity when the Justice System does not provide a fair answer to your reasonable request for an explanation.
How would you feel if a loved one died in an air crash that occurred not in flight, but during takeoff -- as happened at Linate on October 8, 2001, when a Scandinavian Airlines plane collided with a Cessna jet (hidden in the fog and not supposed to be on the runway) and crashed into a hangar where it exploded into a ball of fire, burning alive all 118 passengers – and you learned five years later that the main defendants on trial, who were judged guilty in the first trial, were acquitted in the appeal?
How would you express your despair? How would you vent your pain?
Perhaps you would do what the families of the victims and the only survivor, a sort of mummy tormented by 45 operations, did: shout with desperation and anger.
It is very difficult to support people’s rights, mitigate emotivity with rationality, and accept the fact that once again – as often happens – people have died without an explanation. They are effects without a cause. “Tragic fatalities”.
But there is never, never, never, NEVER a shred of responsibility.

Text from the special report of "TGLA7 NEWS" broadcast on July 7, 2006
    Milano - 12/07/2006