Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare



La Scala Opera House, October 7, 2006

On the anniversary of the Linate accident, our city wants to express its solidarity to the families of the victims.
With this commemoration, we have a two-fold obligation. The first is to show our respect and express our affection to those who lost a loved one in such a tragic and absurd situation. The second is to contribute, through a search for truth, to the ethical and social growth of our city. This commemoration is a tangible sign of civility: it is a sign of the civility of Milan.
Milan has not forgotten and will never forget the victims of the Linate disaster. October 8, 2001, is an open wound. It is an indelible memory for us all and a warning so that similar painful tragedies never happen again.
Establishing the truth, identifying the causes and responsibilities, and doing justice help keep the memory alive. These necessary steps cannot eliminate the pain, which we know is impossible, but they can provide solace and help you find the courage to go on with your lives and be able to smile at those who have a right to serenity: your children, who were born after the accident or were very young at the time and who now need someone strong to help them be happy.
The concert of the La Scala Philharmonic Chorus directed by Maestro Bruno Casoni is a significant moment of meditation, sharing, and reflection. The emotion of the music will unite us. The memory of such suffering will become a message of hope that comes from the rediscovery of the beauty of life, and I believe that there is nothing like music to help us see and rediscover this beauty despite the sorrow in our hearts.
We are grateful to the “8 ottobre 2001 - Per non dimenticare” committee and its president Paolo Pettinaroli for their unflagging commitment these past years in the noble intent to make air transportation safer.
Five years ago we mourned many innocent victims, broken lives, and destroyed families. Tears united people of diverse nationalities, different destinies, and distant cultures. We comforted those who lost a child, parent, spouse, and friend.
The city of Milan offered its support despite the heartbreaking awareness that it was impossible to alleviate such great sorrow. Milan inaugurated the Beech Tree Grove near the airport, a memorial and an oasis of peace and beauty. We dedicated a city street to the Linate tragedy, and this evening, Teatro alla Scala, the cultural symbol of Milan, is hosting this concert.
It is important for all of us to be here to comfort one another and instill hope. It means that we want to continue to support your quest to obtain definite answers so that no doubts remain concerning this serious episode and air transportation safety is improved.
On behalf of the city of Milan, I salute you and extend a warm welcome to our foreign guests. Thank you for coming and wanting to share this special moment.


October 7, 2006
Speech of “8 ottobre” Foundation President Paolo Pettinaroli

Good evening and thank you for attending our annual event in memory of the Linate accident that occurred on October 8, 2001.

I wish to thank Mayor Letizia Moratti -- who kindly continues the support and cooperation of former mayor Gabriele Albertini -- the city of Milan, and the La Scala executive board for the great opportunity that once again allows us to commemorate this anniversary in such a prestigious place. I also want to thank Maestro Bruno Casoni, the soloists, the orchestra, and chorus.

I particularly want to thank Pirelli for its generous contribution that made this evening possible; SEA, for its usual valuable support; and SAS, for the sincere friendship that it has always expressed towards us. I would also like to thank the distinguished representatives of the armed forces, the church, and government for being here tonight.

I want to thank our foreign friends from Scandinavia, England, Germany, the United States, and Australia, and I salute the associations created by the family members of the victims of the Salvemini, Cermis, Ustica, Verona, and Palermo Capo Gallo tragedies. These associations met in Bari last July to find new forms of cooperation for various projects.
Two hundred and ninety six people perished in these terrible accidents, and today more than 10,000 persons support these associations.

The “8 ottobre 2001 – per non dimenticare” Foundation continues on its path, determined to achieve its objectives of cooperation to improve air transportation safety.
We organized a conference for next November 13 in Milan, entitled “Is flying really safe?”, with the world’s most important air safety experts. A conference in Seregno on November 28 will analyze new air transportation rules, and another meeting will be held on October 30 in Perfugas (Sassari).

I’m proud to announce that our story has been turned into a theater piece: the “Bottega dei mestieri teatrali” theater company of Lodi, in collaboration with the city of Lodi, will perform a play about our tragedy that will also make its debut in Milan in November.

New city squares and streets in Seregno, Marilleva, and Varallo Sesia have been dedicated to October 8. Another ceremony will be held on October 22 in Varedo, and other streets will be inaugurated in the coming months.
Dedicating public places in Italian cities to October 8, 2001, is fundamental to prevent such a serious example of human negligence from being forgotten.

I must confess that I am amazed at people’s ability to justify themselves and never feel responsible.

The news arriving from the courts last July was shocking:
- appalling acquittals, as in our case;
- the need for new trials after 10 years, as happened in the Verona air crash;
- and cases of corruption and rigged reports.

It is difficult to remain indifferent to these events, and there is a strong feeling that something is terribly wrong. And yet -- as the meeting in Bari on July 11 clearly showed -- paradoxically our associations are the only ones to acknowledge a dangerous situation that is of interest to everyone.

Senseless deaths without a cause or explanation must stop.

Let us learn to preserve integrity and honesty through words and sentiments.

I dedicate this beautiful music to our loved ones, and I hope you enjoy the evening. Thank you.


October 8, 2006
Speech by 8 ottobre Commette President, Paolo Pettinaroli

Today is a day of remembrance on which we commemorate our 118 loved ones who lost their lives five years ago at Linate Airport on October 8, 2001.

We wish to thank Monsignor Manganini for welcoming us and celebrating Mass here in the cathedral, Archbishop Cardinal Tettamanzi for his kind message, and His Eminence Cardinal Martini for his heartfelt words.

We will never forget his comforting presence shortly after the accident and his stern words spoken from this altar and directed to airport officials.
We thank the soprano Enrica Fassio the San Carlo College choir, which traditionally accompanies the October 8 ceremony, and salute Mayor Moratti and all the authorities who are here today.

Five years have passed from that desperate day when we were filled with fear, anguish, mistrust, and even hate. Today our hearts are less troubled and, through the grace of God, have become resigned and full of nostalgia for our loved ones.

The children born after the accident have completed kindergarten, and the other young ones who have no memory of their father or mother are in elementary school.

Life goes on. When we gaze upon these children, despite our heartache, we smile.
With their future in mind, we continue our efforts in the hopes that an enlightened and enlightening sentence will conclude this tragic episode in the history of Italy.

The pain we feel reminds me of Cardinal Martini’s words:
….“an impenetrable swamp inhabited by an invisible world of inefficiency, obtuse bureaucracy, and reprehensible incommunicability between organizations that should supervise the safety of flights and airports….”
How could such dreadful negligence be possible?

This is the right place to express my feelings and thoughts. I ask God to accept my words as a prayer for the conclusion of this tragic story so that a just solution is found.

Now the time has come to visit our Beech Tree Grove, where each of us, in our moment of silence and prayer, will be near our loved ones. Thank you all!


Skandinavian Commette Presidente Anette Forsmann at Bosco dei Faggi
5 years

Five years ago, we lost 118 unique and beloved people.
For us, who were left behind, life changed completely.

We remain with our loss and still long for holding and hugging them. We still say to them; we love you, but we get no reply. That is something we will have to live with forever!

Still, we have all become strong somehow. Not because we want to, we just have to.

It is not always easy to live for somebody else, but we do it anyway. Just because we loved them and it is for them that we go on. But eventually we will realize that it is also for ourselves that we go on….. They will always be with us!

So for their sake, we will, in different ways, continue to make everybody understand that aviation safety applies both on the ground and in the air.

Thank you Comitato 8 ottobre for all the work you do for all of us!


Skandinavian Commette Presidente Anette Forsmann at Bosco dei Faggi

5 år….

För fem år sedan dog 118 unika och älskade människor,
För oss som blev lämnade kvar, förändrades livet totalt.

Vi står kvar med vår saknad och längtan av att vi inte kan krama om dom, Men det vi fortfarande kan göra är att säga till dom, vi älskar Er! Men vi får inget svar….. Det kommer vi att leva med för alltid!

Men, vi har alla blivit starka på något sätt, inte för att vi vill, utan för att vi måste, det är inte alltid lätt att leva för och åt någon annan, men vi gör det, just för att vi älskade dom, och det är för deras skull vi går vidare, Men till slut inser även vi att det är för vår egen skull….
Dom kommer alltid att finnas med oss!

Så för deras skull ska vi på olika sätt fortsätta med att få alla att förstå att flygsäkerhet är ett ord som ska gälla både på marken och i luften.

Tack Comitato 8 Ottobre för allt det arbete ni gör för oss alla!

    Milano - 11/10/2006