Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Thanks to all

Dear Friends,

My family and I want to thank each and every one of you for your expressions of affection and your great respect for Paolo.


Paolo unfortunately had to endure moments of great suffering. Looking around me in the hospital where he was a patient, I felt that the earthly existence of humanity is inextricably linked to material, moral and spiritual suffering.


Writing about an emotion makes it feel twice as intense. My hand hesitates as I write these words, so I'll try to do my best.


In these days, I have come to the conclusion that we all possess eternity, but due to a sort of superficiality, we consider ourselves mortals and despite our huge efforts to comprehend, we understand nothing and we suffer.


I remember Paolo in his actions and his ability to always find the right words and ask the right questions. He was inquisitive and able to persevere. He never raised his voice: he just waited for his interlocutor to contradict himself. Paolo always said that it was necessary to find the root of the cause because mistakes can happen due to an extraordinary chain of events, not as a result of the negligent indifference of the people in charge. At this point, our discussion was animated because I believe that there is always a human element involved. However, I admit that there was something acceptable about his theory!


After we lost Lorenzo, we realized that rancor only attracts attention and is useless for solving problems. We must strive to work together for the common good, not only for our own interests.
Little Vittoria is certain that her grandfather is on a cloud playing with angels.
Tonight I gazed at the sky: there were dazzling stars, a crescent moon and no cloud in sight!


"Where are you, Grandpa?"


Wherever you are, you won't be free of us: we'll think about and speak about you for many years to come.


Dear Paolo, rest in peace with our Lorenzo!


