Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends - Sunday was a great day for us. More than one hundred of us were in the Milan Cariplo Foundation, who we thank for their hospitality.
We had the opportunity to review the steps we took in our first year of activity. We accomplished so much.
Giorgio prepared a beautiful presentation that you will soon see inserted in our web site and that will serve to remember whom that will not be forgotten, and how much work was involved in one year.
A new board was elected on Sunday. Four former members of the old board are departing for personal commitments, and they are Margie Savio, Boman Maj Britt, Patrizia Ghiringhelli and Claudio Giumelli. They will be substituted on the board by Stefano Bo, Giorgio Centonze, Giuseppe Conte and Arianna Rosa.

I would like to thank our departing board members, from the bottom of my heart, for the collaboration and assistance they have given to the Committee during the first year and I would like to welcome and congratulate our new board members.

Our controllers, Mr. Carpaneda Mr. Holzmiller e Mr. Stoppiani, with the assistance of Mr. Bengala , presented the budget of June 30, 2002, which was unanimously approved as it was and sent to the auditor.
Our attorney, Mr. Dondina, detailed how the criminal case was proceeding.
I suggested passing on the Presidency of the Committee to someone else, but I was not allowed to do so. The Board will decide.
Thus, I laid out the plan that we have scheduled for the next year:

1° Retrieve the funding promised by the state government.
2° Bring to a conclusion the idea of insurance for everyone who travels on public transport.
3° Personally follow the criminal and civil process
4° Promote seminars and official meetings on air safety so this tragedy is not forgotten.
5° Promote meetings and trips with the the assistance of SAS where we can be together.
6° Organize encounters for our children.
During our meeting on Sunday, SEA had babysat our children. They had in fact organized a room inside SEA at Linate, for the building of a Christmas Nativity Scene made by f by our children under the supervision of the artist, Massimo Geloso.
The children, who were spoiIed and enjoyed themselves so much, and it seems they at SEA had done a good job babysitting. We organized on Saturday, December 14, a meeting at Linate at approximately 1:00 PM to visit the Christmas Nativity Scene. We will provide relevant information. That is all for the moment. An embrace,